
Your advocates

The most important decision that you make in the defence of a criminal charge is in the lawyer who represents you.

Collectively, we have spent more than two decades obtaining justice for clients charged with offences from mischief to murder. Success can be obtained only through steadfast preparation and constant communication. In hiring my firm, we guarantee you both.

If you have been charged or expect that you will be charged, contact us immediately to arrange for a consultation.


Praise from the bench:

I was going to suggest to defence counsel that he could have sat down a while ago because he had persuaded me but, actually, I enjoyed hearing the submissions, they were very well presented, supported and thought out. And so, I let him finish to the end and instead of regurgitating what the submissions were, I'm just going to adopt them as my reasons and you were persuasive on all points.

The Honourable Justice Vaillancourt in R. v. W., 2012 O.J. No. 6590


Areas of Practice


We act for individuals at all stages of a criminal trial including: bail hearings, judicial pre-trials, preliminary inquiries, and at the trial itself.


For those who have already been convicted, we appear at all levels of appeal court within Canada to argue for bail pending appeal, appeals against conviction, and sentence.

Regulatory Discipline

We assist clients before regulatory and administrative tribunals, including the Law Society of Ontario, the Licence Appeal Tribunal, and at disciplinary tribunals of universities.

Civil Litigation

We act in select civil matters before the Superior Court of Justice, specializing in disputes between small business, police misconduct, and in areas where the criminal and civil justice systems interact.
